Laughter In the Workplace
Lightening Up About Workplace Stress
Are your employees on the ragged edge of burnout?
Burnout in the non-profit and business sector has spread like wildfire. Research shows that as many as 51% of employees report having "high levels of stress, with extreme fatigue or feeling out of control."
This is not good!

Stress is an insidious morale drainer. It sabotages the good communication and cooperative practices that lead to effectiveness. The irony is that the very thing that drives many employees to overwork to the point of fatigue is the desire to do the right thing. Unfortunately, it often backfires when they can no longer function optimally.
And sadly, some even feel they must quit their job to get relief...
LifeFire teaches ways to use mindfulness, Laughter Yoga and humor to lighten up your work environment. It offers a fresh perspective on this challenge and a new way for your staff to connect with each other.
When we can learn to laugh together often, to celebrate little victories as well as big ones, to appreciate ourselves and each other, the daily culture of work starts to shift for the better.

"Participants in the laugh group had an 18% improvement in positive emotions and a 28% reduction in negative emotions and a significant reduction in perceived stress scale score."
- SVYASA Research Institute, 2007
● A team that really cheers each other on, and expresses their appreciation for each other regularly.
● Meetings that people look forward to--where sounds of easy laughter burst forth regularly.
● A cooperative and supportive atmosphere being the norm.

"Annie Goglia’s LifeFire program was transformational for my staff at a time when we were working on a crucial campaign. It really brought us together to work as a team. We have been using it ever since to help us overcome the stress and challenges of our work.
One person in particular had a big change of heart thanks to Annie’s program. The use and practice of these tools taught by Annie, transformed a person who seemed tough and difficult into a major cheerleader for her co-workers!"
- Lilly Vallee, SEIU-UHW

Offering staff yoga and meditation classes to prevent stress is wonderful. However it is a very individualized solution to the collective challenges of group cohesion and cooperation. We need to do this as a group because Laughter Yoga:
● Bonds people and helps them cooperate - When a group laughs together, they see the positive in each other and feel connected. They are more likely to work effectively as a team.
● Busts your stress - It reduces the levels of stress hormones epinephrine and cortisol, leaving you more relaxed and zestful.
● Is just plain fun!
If you run a non-profit organization or a progressive business who cares about:
● Making this crazy world a better place
● The well-being, happiness and productivity of your staff
● Finding new and creative ways to energize your staff and help them collaborate better
Then this program could be perfect for you!

"We were delighted to have Annie lead a session at our staff retreat. The staff found Annie to be very open, welcoming, funny, and skilled at engaging people - even when they were skeptical at first. She led exercises that were fun, but also addressed real stresses and concerns.
We took away ideas and tools we can use at work (and on our commutes!) to relieve tension in an entertaining and effective way. It was an incredible experience that made us feel more connected as a team."
- Natalia Lopez-Montero
Special Education Operations Analyst
Aspire Public Schools
This is no boring workshop series….
In our LifeFire workshops we mix movement, stretching and laughter to get out of habitual grooves that haven’t served us. We act out “tossing away” the things that bring us stress. We act out real-life dramas in a playful way to gain perspective, and bring a new set of “lightening up” skills into our everyday lives. We find non-habitual approaches and attitudes that help us view stressful situations with a fresh and lighter viewpoint.
All these creative exercises help people to connect in an authentic and playful way through eye contact, creativity and shared laughter:

1. We begin with a fun, interactive and engaging half-day laughter workshop, customized for the needs of your staff, whether it be problems in communicating, collaboration or just feeling stuck.
2. I devise customized assignment/practices for the team to use in meetings and in daily communication with other staff.
3. I offer individual “lighten up check-ins” for staff to coach them on their specific issues and give them ways they can grow and thrive. If you have a large staff, I coach team leaders to help them guide their team and actually implement these tools.
4. We have our second laughter workshop, kicked off with a “What Have We Learned” section, and then a deepening and fine-tuning of “Lighten Up” skills.
5. I’m available between sessions for brief email or phone support to answer questions and problem-solve.
"Annie’s presentation on Laughter Yoga for elders was dynamic, informative, and just plain fun! She got everyone participating with her enthusiasm and expertise. We learned firsthand that Laughter Yoga is an amazing stress reliever, health enhancer and an easy way to exercise. What a great way to get elders moving and engaged! I left feeling relaxed and energized at the same time."
- Cheryl Laven
Director of Community Relations
Sunrise Assisted Living of Oakland Hills
"Everyone had so much fun! The Laughter Yoga session you led was given a thumbs up by our group."
- A. Klein
Women's Presidents Organization