About Annie
Annie’s life adventure
It’s my nature to grow and uncover delight for myself and others.
But like many people, I used to be insecure in groups. I was shy with people I didn’t know well. Now I am known for my warmth and laughter! But it didn’t happen without help - many people supported the reclaiming of my natural joy and zest.
How I found my own path.
It was through my own determination and encouragement from key “coaches” in my life - counselors, therapists, friends - that I was able to take some big steps that moved me forward. All the wisdom I gained over my many years of finding my true self, I now share with others to help them do the same. Let me be your guide in this exciting journey to rekindle your delight for life.
The journey that marked my turning point.
In my 30’s, I took a bold step of traveling solo across the country and back. I was plenty scared at times, but learned to face my fears. I discovered that I was good company for myself AND how important it is to have other people close. When I returned, I was ready to build community, deepen relationships and try new things.
Opening new and joyful life paths.
Laughter Yoga, storytelling, yoga, dance and improvisation became integral activities in my life and have shaped my coaching style.
The happy beginning of my coaching career.
After my trip, I also discovered peer counseling, which I have now done regularly since 1993. Friends began relying on me as an advisor and confidant. My storytelling students began calling on me to coach them in their personal lives and careers. In order to be the best coach I could be for my clients I searched for a coaching school that had rigor and compatible values—which I found at New Ventures West Professional Coaching Program.
The exciting journey of growing older.
Many of my jobs have involved working with elders. Now I’m on the cusp of that phase of my life. Combating ageism and stereotypes about elders has gotten personal! I realized there’s a real need for us to claim zest, wisdom, purpose and hopefulness as part of the aging process. I work at having fun every day, keeping my life vital and interesting. I developed a workshop called “Lightening Up about Growing Older” and coaching program to help others on this journey.
Today I help people just like you unleash a new sense of JOY in life.
Let me help you bring about the changes you are yearning for. My light-guiding encouragement will help you:
enjoy the journey of growing older with meaning, zest and humor
let go of worry and anxiety that prevent full enjoyment of your life, work and relationships.
move past “I should do that” to “I did it”!

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Now an International
Laughter Ambassador!
Certified by founder Dr. Kataria
Using laughter to lighten up:
I am known for my ability to laugh easily and heartily. A good friend once told me I should become a professional laugher. I thought that was a good joke, until I found Laughter Yoga, a combination of laughter exercises and yogic breathing that promotes health and well-being.
I was fortunate to train with the founder of Laughter Yoga, Dr. Kataria. Now I lead laughter workshops for organizations, as well as train others to become Laughter Yoga Leaders. I founded LifeFire Laughter Yoga in Oakland in 2007, and it's still going strong!

Certified Integral Coach, New Ventures West Professional Coaching Course, SF, CA
Certified Laughter Yoga Leader and Teacher, Dr, Kataria’s School of Laughter Yoga
InterPlay Leadership Program
B.A. & Master of Arts in Teaching, Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY
Laughter Yoga Teacher, Leading Laughter Yoga Leader Trainings 2007- present
LifeFire Laughter Yoga & Coaching 2006 - present
Career & Life Coach for Springboard Forward and Year Up 2008-2010
Human services and education fields for over 20 years
Service coordinator for elderly and disabled people, Boston, MA
Assisted elders and their families through challenging transitions -
Life guide for teen girls at a group home
English teacher— secondary education